Power Surge & Trigger Warnings

Power Surge’s road to publication has been long and bumpy, but as it gets closer and closer to publication date, I want to take a minute to discuss the age category, trigger warnings, and mature content. I’ve rarely thought of Power Surge as anything other than Young Adult (YA). However, you may notice it listedContinue reading “Power Surge & Trigger Warnings”

Pulp Appeal: Beowulf (Guest Post by Sara Codair)

Originally posted on Broadswords and Blasters:
(Editors’ Note: Sara Codair lives in a world of words. Writing is like breathing; they can’t live without it. Sara teaches and tutors writing at a Northern Essex Community College. They live with a cat named Goose who likes to “edit” their work by deleting entire pages and a…

The Evolution of a Character (or a career)

I’ve lived my entire life with characters and stories in my head. Some were as original as anything can be while others were fan-fictions that never escaped my maze of a mind long enough to be put on paper. After watching  Xena: Warrior Princess, I’d run around the house with music blasting. The living roomContinue reading “The Evolution of a Character (or a career)”

Publishing Paths: Roads go ever ever on (I hope).

I’ve missed a few months, but today, I realized it was  Insecure Writer’s Support Group Blog Hop Day before the day was over. The first Wednesday of every month, the IWSG posts an optional question, encouraging members to read and comment on each other’s blogs. September’s Question is: What publishing path are you considering/did youContinue reading “Publishing Paths: Roads go ever ever on (I hope).”