Check out the cute-ness and keep reading for an image of my Goose!

Hello everyone, Welcome to another week of Tummy Rub Tuesday! Oh, and if you haven’t subscribed to our newsletter yet, why not sign up by clicking here to never miss a TRT again.😀 The easiest way to join TRT is by sending us photos to Or just leave a comment with the link toContinue reading “Check out the cute-ness and keep reading for an image of my Goose!”

Chicken, Vegetables and Pasta with White wine Butter Sauce

As you may know from my previous posts, in-between writing, gardening and preparing for the up coming semester, I have been on the hunt for the perfect white wine butter sauce. After trying and tweaking many different recipes, I have come up with just the right one. It started out with the the recipe forContinue reading “Chicken, Vegetables and Pasta with White wine Butter Sauce”

Anthology Update: A Much Better Cover!

So the anthology I posted about yesterday just announced they were changing their cover and I’m glad. The new cover is much better, showcasing tiny drops making big ripples in liquid text, much like the way each tiny story contained in this volume can impact the reader. Okay, the metaphor might be a little cliche,Continue reading “Anthology Update: A Much Better Cover!”

Anthology Update

One of the first anthologies I had a story accepted to is finally available for pre-order. I am very excited to see my story in print for the first time. You can pre-order at this link:!product-page/praa0/5f32c1aa-3309-3fa5-8aa7-319051d5436f And make sure you enter my discount code, 100V86, to save 10%! Authors are being paid with a commissionContinue reading “Anthology Update”

Black Cat Appreciation Day

I woke up in the mood to write, but I had to go back to the dentist. When I got back, I had lost my motivation. So I decided writing could wait until later, and for now, I would break out the camera and take the time to get some good photos of Goose inContinue reading “Black Cat Appreciation Day”

Tummy Tuesday

One of the cutest blogs I read, Katzenworld, does a weekly post called Tummy Rub Tuesday  where they showcase photos submitted by their readers. These photos generally feature cats being cute and exposing their furry tummies. The photos are generally followed by comments proclaiming the cuteness of said cats (I am often one of these commentators).Continue reading “Tummy Tuesday”

Micro Essay: Seasons

Seasons By Sara Codair The sky blooms with streaks of pink and purple, possibilities of endless nights sitting on the porch serenaded by peepers and crickets. The sky ignites my dreams of rowing and swimming under the blazing the sun. The sky promises romance and inspiration; ice cream and love. I hold his hand onContinue reading “Micro Essay: Seasons”