Problems with Word Count Quotas

While writing my first two books, I didn’t pay too much attention to my word count until after I finished the first draft. My first draft of Song of the Forest came close to 200,000 words and my first draft of Power Surge was around 130,000. When I revised, I went through a cycle ofContinue reading “Problems with Word Count Quotas”

Thoughts on the Last Day of my Pre-order Campaign

Today is the last day of my pre-order campaign on Publishizer. I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. It motivated me to pick a WIP, stick with it, and focus on that one project for most of the summer. If I hadn’t adopted a puppy, I would’ve a finished draft, but I am aContinue reading “Thoughts on the Last Day of my Pre-order Campaign”

Flash Fiction:The Purrrfect Crime

Generally, when I write cat stories for Cracked Flash Fiction Competition, they don’t win. Sometimes, I write cat stories anyways. The Purrrfect Crime By Sara Codair “I taught you to pick locks and this is how you use that skill?” Grandma gaped at me, gourd-shaped eyes enlarged by her glasses. I shrugged. “Our family hasContinue reading “Flash Fiction:The Purrrfect Crime”

IWSG Monthly Post: Writing Pet Peeves

  Insecure Writers Support Group (IWSG) Monthly Post: Writing Pet Peeves What are your pet peeves when reading/writing/editing?  Sound. I can’t deal with certain noises when I am trying to focus on written words, whether I am reading them, writing them, or editing them. I need to be fully immersed in the story, and whenContinue reading “IWSG Monthly Post: Writing Pet Peeves”