When you start querying one manuscript, start writing a new one.

I remember reading on websites, forums, and social media that once I started querying a manuscript, I should focus on writing a new one. The advice was that unless I was getting multiple rejections on fulls, or multiple rejections with similar feedback, I should just leave the manuscript alone. The first three times I queried,Continue reading “When you start querying one manuscript, start writing a new one.”

IWSG Day: Writing Through Life (and doggy drama)

Writing Through Life (and doggy drama) The first Wednesday of every month, the IWSG posts an optional question, encouraging members to read and comment on each other’s blogs. October’s Question is: How do major life events affect your writing? Has writing ever helped you through something? My answer is yes. Major life events can affectContinue reading “IWSG Day: Writing Through Life (and doggy drama)”

Five Friendly Places that Pay for Fiction

Finding a place to publish a short story can be intimidating. Submitting a story  I’ve poured my soul into out to a literary magazine is scary enough without worrying about what happens to it once it lands in someone’s slush. And there are so many places that publish fiction. I have to think about thingsContinue reading “Five Friendly Places that Pay for Fiction”

Twitter Pitch Parties Are About More Than Just The Likes

When seeking an agent or publisher for a novel, I participate in every twitter pitch party I get the chance to. So far, no one “like” or “heart” has landed me an agent or a book deal, but I still participate. They help me figure out what agents like the kind of stories I write, andContinue reading “Twitter Pitch Parties Are About More Than Just The Likes”

Beta Readers & Remembering my Characters are NOT me.

Good beta readers and critique partners are essential for writers, not just because they make individual manuscripts stronger, but also because they can make writers aware of problematic patterns. My beta readers often comment that my characters don’t react or show emotion to big things – like finding out demons exits, losing a loved one,Continue reading “Beta Readers & Remembering my Characters are NOT me.”

Book Deal = Happier than a Puppy Off- Leash

This blog post should’ve been up a few days ago, but with storms, a family member’s health issues, and the start of NaNoWriMo, I neglected to write it. However, if you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, then you probably already know the information I am going to announce. I signed a contract with NineStarContinue reading “Book Deal = Happier than a Puppy Off- Leash”

ISWSP October Question: #ownvoices?

October 4 question – Have you ever slipped any of your personal information into your characters, either by accident or on purpose? My answer: Yes, but sometimes it is more intentional than others While none of my characters are directly based off of my self, many of them share my non-binary gender identity. They struggle withContinue reading “ISWSP October Question: #ownvoices?”